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Start Fencing at Tim Morehouse Fencing Club!



  1. Account: In order for any trial lesson, lesson, class or camp to be scheduled and billed in our system, the participating students must have an account created in their name. Please create a separate accounts for siblings.

  2. Account Must Be Under the Students Name: Please create the account under the name of the student. Parents and guardians of of minors do not need to create accounts if they are not the person participating and the account can have their contact information on it, but the name on the account itself must be under the participating students name and birthday.

  3. Parent names: Should go in the emergency contract information.

  4. Multiple Students: Please create a separate accounts for siblings and they must be under different email addresses in order to have login access to check your account since the logins are under the email provided.

  5. Next Steps:

    • Trial Lesson: If you are signing up for a trial lesson then you can proceed next to paying and scheduling: https://www.timmorehousefencing.com/triallessons

    • All Other Programs; If you are signing up for a camp or school year fencing program then you can proceed next to fill out a registration form OR to make payment.